4 thoughts on “Reware Vintage Notebooks”

  1. Those are some awesome notebooks. The fact that they’re refillable really makes eco-friendly notebooks. That’s a really creative way of using old vinyl records. People who grew up listening to vinyl records may not be big fans of it, but it could definitely make a trendy and fashionable notebook.

  2. ARRGH! I like to make my own notebooks, but I don’t destroy perfectly usable material to do so. I also collect coins, and seeing something like this galls me worse than “cut-out coin jewelry” does. What’s next, cutting up the Declaration of Independence to sell to autograph collectors?

  3. Thought this over for a while before putting it in comments:

    I like notebooks that are reclaimed from things like placemats and cereal boxes, but I’ve got to say that is a bit much. It’s the way I feel about destroying old books and letters for collage material purposes, though I know a lot of people do it.

    It isn’t just we 50+ codgers who like old vinyl. I’ve got teenage relatives who collect them to listen.

  4. I don’t think any of this negative comments comes from real record collectors. Yes, destroying a highly collectible rare records is not acceptable, but all records are not that valuable, if it is a common record, disc is damaged and cover is already splitted or there are torns or tears, it is perfectly good way to recycle them.

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