Glue Notebooks Together… Without Glue?

Another one to file under “stupid notebook tricks.” But it’s kind of a neat trick! A local news station in Denver, CO demonstrates in a video on their website:

You can glue two notebooks together just by weaving together their pages. Don’t believe us? Science guy Steve Spangler explains how it works.

Spoiler alert: the video does not really “explain” how this works. He just says it is like plywood. But it’s not, as plywood really is glued together. I would guess the reason the notebooks stick together has something to do with the friction of page against page, multiplied by many pages. It would be interesting to experiment with this: does the size of the notebook matter? Does the number of pages matter? Does the type of paper matter? What if you’ve scribbled all over every page with a graphite pencil, or ink? If anyone tries this at home, please let us know your results!

Watch the video: ‘Glue’ notebooks together by weaving pages

3 thoughts on “Glue Notebooks Together… Without Glue?”

  1. The Mythbusters did this with phone books and they did explain the science (not that I can remember what it was…)

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