Tag Archives: cabinet

Smythson Notebooks for British Cabinet Members

This is amusing: Which Smythson notebook would you give to which Cabinet minister? Smythson are the makers of lovely little leather-covered notebooks with whimsical phrases embossed on the front. (Somewhere in my collection I have their “Blondes Brunettes Redheads” address book.) The proud holder of two royal warrants, Smythson of Bond Street (established in 1887 … Continue reading Smythson Notebooks for British Cabinet Members

Obama’s People’s Notebooks

In yesterday’s New York Times Magazine, there was a photo essay called “Obama’s People,” with portraits of the President-elect’s various cabinet members and staff. I couldn’t help noticing that a few of them were photographed with their notebooks! Here’s Eugene Kang, 24, Special Assistant to the President. His notebook is the highlight of the photo! … Continue reading Obama’s People’s Notebooks