Tag Archives: uses

10 Uses for Spare Notebooks

Brittany, who describes herself as “a thirteen-year-old writer of middle-grade fiction,” offers some good ideas for everyone who has a hoard of notebooks and can’t think of what to do with them. Here’s idea #1: 1. Keep a dream journal.- I’ve gotten some good story ideas from dreams, or at least little bits of story. … Continue reading 10 Uses for Spare Notebooks

Notebooks for Martial Arts

Here’s a use for notebooks I hadn’t considered: documenting martial arts information.  On the Martial Arts Planet forums, Shadowfax asks: How many of you keep a journal or notebook about your art(s)? I’ve been keeping a journal with diagrams showing various forms, especial fine details, notes from seminars, thoughts about sparing matches, and so on. … Continue reading Notebooks for Martial Arts

Guitar Dad Loves Jotting Things Down

Check out the blog Guitar Dad for a nice appreciation of writing things down in notebooks: Maybe it’s a carryover from my reporter days, but I constantly find myself reaching for a notebook. A lot of my jottings are mundane details that simply connect the dots in my everyday life: driving directions, lists, reminders of … Continue reading Guitar Dad Loves Jotting Things Down

Notebooks at Work

I’ve been thinking a lot about how people use notebooks at work. Yesterday’s post showed a few of Obama’s staff with notebooks among the tools of their trade. Certain professions use notebooks as a matter of course: reporters, for one. If you look at the Alwych website, they describe their notebooks as being used by … Continue reading Notebooks at Work

How To Keep a Notebook

A WikiHow page on “How to Keep a Notebook:” Step 1: Decide the purpose for your notebook. Will you write down your inventions? Will you write ideas for the screenplay, novel, poems you will someday write? Will you write down thoughts and ideas related to a particular project? Or do you simply want to have … Continue reading How To Keep a Notebook

Moleskine Volant Notebooks

I bought a set of Moleskine Volant notebooks recently. I had ordered something else from Amazon and needed to tack something on to get that free shipping, so I figured what the heck! But now I’m not sure what to do with them! They’re nice notebooks– much more substantial than the Cahiers: sturdier, smoother cover … Continue reading Moleskine Volant Notebooks